The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (2024)

Here are some of the funniest, most poetic, or just plain strange personal ads from Metro Times classified section's heyday that stopped us in our tracks while flipping through our archives.


  • 1980s,
  • 1990s,
  • classifieds,
  • detroit,
  • funny,
  • humor,
  • Metro Times,
  • personal ads,
  • the best

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (1)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (2)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (3)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (5)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (6)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (7)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (8)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (9)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (10)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (11)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (12)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (13)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (14)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (15)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (16)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (17)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (18)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (19)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (20)

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The 20 best personal ads from Metro Times' classifieds in the '90s (2024)


Where can I find old ads online? ›

All resources are freely available unless otherwise noted.
  • Ad* Access Project (1912- 1950s) ...
  • AdFlip (1940- ) ...
  • AdRespect Ad Library (1917- ) ...
  • Ads of the World. ...
  • adverlicious: online advertising and marketing archive. ...
  • The Advertising Archives (c.1830- ) ...
  • Advertolog (1990- ) ...
  • The American Package Museum (early 20th century)
Jan 23, 2023

What are the personals in a newspaper? ›

A personal advertisem*nt, sometimes called a contact ad, is a form of classified advertising in which a person seeks to find another person for friendship, romance, marriage, or sexual activity. In British English, it is commonly known as an advert in a lonely hearts column.

What is the most popular ad website? ›

For paid advertising, Google Ads is the top online advertising choice for companies of all shapes and sizes. Google captures more digital ad dollars than any other company in the nation (approximately 28.6% in 2021, compared to 23.8% by its closest rival — Facebook).

Where can I find old adverts? ›

Free Online Resources
  • Classic TV Commercials (Internet Archive) ...
  • TJS Labs Gallery of Graphic Design. ...
  • Vintage Ad Browser. ...
  • Vintage Advertisem*nts. ...
  • Jay Paull Vintage Print Advertisem*nts. ...
  • Not a Cough in a Carload: Images from the Tobacco Industry to Hide the Hazards of Smoking.
Apr 22, 2024

Do Lonely Hearts ads still exist? ›

Modern Lonely Hearts

Print publications (and websites) featuring these types of ads still exist, although the advent of online dating has made them less common. Perhaps one takeaway from reading the lonely hearts ads of decades and centuries past is that we really aren't all that different from our ancestors.

What is a private advertisem*nt? ›

: a short message in a special section of a newspaper, magazine, etc., that is written by someone who is interested in forming a friendly or romantic relationship with someone else.

What are classified ads in newspapers? ›

classified (ad) | Intermediate English

a small advertisem*nt in a newspaper or magazine offering or requesting a job, furniture, cars, houses, etc.

Is there a database of old commercials? ›

AdViews is a digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s. These commercials were created or collected by the ad agency Benton & Bowles or its successor, D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B).

How do I find old Craigslist ads? ›

Go to the internet archive here to where it says wayback machine type into the box and click browse history. This will show you a calendar and you can go back craigslist and load up the version of the date you were looking for.

How do I find old Google ads? ›

You can access change history in the "Campaigns" or "Ad Groups" page. Select a campaign or ad group by ticking the checkbox. Click "Change History" to view changes in the selected date range.

How do I find old print ads? ›

Advertisem*nts & Commercials
  1. Ad*Access. Based at Duke University, this site has over 7,000 print ads published in the United States and Canada between 1911 - 1955.
  2. Ads of the World. ...
  3. Clipland. ...
  4. Emergence of Advertising in America 1850-1920 (EAA) ...
  5. Gallery of Graphic Design. ...
  6. Prelinger Archives. ...
May 22, 2024

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.